Affordable Asbestos removal Sussex
We provide the best Asbestos Services in the Sussex
We are here for all you Asbestos Service needs in Sussex.
Asbestos is a harmful substance that poses serious health risks when inhaled. This has led to strict regulations on its handling and management. As a property owner or manager, it is your responsibility to ensure that all asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) in your building are properly managed and periodically inspected. But how often should asbestos surveys be renewed in Sussex? In this article, we will explore this question in detail.
Asbestos refers to a group of six naturally occurring fibrous minerals: chrysotile, crocidolite, amosite, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite. It was widely used in building construction for its insulating and fire-retardant properties. However, it was later discovered that prolonged exposure to asbestos fibres can cause serious health problems such as lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis.
To reduce the health risks associated with asbestos, the UK government introduced regulations on its handling and management. The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (CAR) require duty holders to identify, assess, and manage ACMs in their properties. Duty holders are also required to keep an up-to-date asbestos register and management plan. An asbestos survey is the first step in this process.
An asbestos survey is a systematic inspection of a building to identify and assess the presence, location, and condition of ACMs. There are two types of asbestos surveys: management surveys and refurbishment/demolition surveys.
A management survey is a non-destructive survey that aims to identify the presence, location, and condition of ACMs that may be disturbed during normal occupancy and foreseeable maintenance activities. This type of survey is required under regulation 4 of CAR for all non-domestic properties built before 2000. It is also recommended for all domestic properties, especially if any refurbishment or demolition work is planned.
A refurbishment/demolition survey, on the other hand, is a more intrusive survey that aims to identify all ACMs in a building that may be disturbed during refurbishment or demolition work. This type of survey is required under regulation 5 of CAR before any refurbishment or demolition work is carried out.
Once an initial asbestos survey has been conducted, duty holders are required to periodically review and update their asbestos register and management plan. This is known as an asbestos reinspection survey.
The purpose of an asbestos reinspection survey is to ensure that any changes in the building or its use do not affect the condition or location of any previously identified ACMs. It also ensures that any ACMs that were not identified in the original survey are identified and assessed. Asbestos reinspection surveys are required every 12 months for high-risk asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) such as sprayed coatings and pipe insulation. For lower risk ACMs, such as vinyl floor tiles, asbestos reinspection surveys can be conducted every 2-3 years.
Based on the above information, it is clear that duty holders must conduct an initial asbestos survey to identify and assess the presence, location, and condition of ACMs in their properties. They must also periodically review and update their asbestos register and management plan through asbestos reinspection surveys.
However, there is no specific requirement under CAR for asbestos surveys to be renewed every three years. The frequency of asbestos reinspection surveys depends on the risk level of the ACMs and any changes in the building or its use. Duty holders must assess the risk level of the ACMs in their properties and determine the appropriate frequency of asbestos reinspection surveys.
That being said, it is important for duty holders to keep their asbestos register and management plan up-to-date and ensure that any changes in the building or its use are accounted for. Asbestos can pose serious health risks when inhaled and duty holders must take all necessary steps to protect their building occupants.
Affordable Asbestos Removal Sussex are a leading asbestos survey company in Sussex. We have extensive experience in conducting asbestos surveys, reinspection surveys, and asbestos management plans. Our team of certified and experienced asbestos surveyors use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure accurate and reliable results.
We provide management surveys, refurbishment/demolition surveys, and asbestos reinspection surveys for all types of properties in Sussex and the South East of England. Our surveys are conducted in accordance with HSE guidance and CAR regulations. We provide detailed reports that identify the presence, location, and condition of ACMs in your building, as well as recommendations for their management and removal.
If you need an asbestos survey or reinspection survey in Sussex, Affordable Asbestos Removal Sussex is here to help. Contact us today at 01273 978238 or email us at [email protected] to schedule a survey or for more information about our services.
Asbestos surveys are an important step in managing and protecting your property from the health risks associated with asbestos. The frequency of asbestos reinspection surveys depends on the risk level of the ACMs and any changes in the building or its use. Duty holders must assess the risk level of the ACMs in their properties and determine the appropriate frequency of asbestos reinspection surveys.
Affordable Asbestos Removal Sussex are a leading asbestos survey company in Sussex. We provide management surveys, refurbishment/demolition surveys, and asbestos reinspection surveys for all types of properties in Sussex and the South East of England. Contact us today to schedule a survey or for more information about our services.